Well, this blog is nothing if sporadic. Lets see, since Leadville (bike wise) it's been pretty mellow. Still got in regular loops around Palmer Park on the Monkey and regular evening and weekend road rides on the road bike. It's December now and since my last post I've moved (all of 2 miles) destroyed one car and bought another car (same make/model, diff. year) started dating, and tried snowboarding (no "success" yet).
So, all in all, a pretty good Fall. The one key thing that I learned last year is that mountain biking is fun. Lots of fun, but it doesn't burn half the calories that road cycling does. So while my legs were strong as hell by the end of the season, my weight was still 10-15 heavier than I would have liked. I think I'll try a more 2:1 road cycling to mountain biking ratio in 2009, that should keep me a little lighter on the wheels.
Speaking of 2009, I've got a few cycling targets already on the horizon:
Trans Iowa
Buena Vista Bike Fest
MS 150
Leadville 50
Leadville 100
That's the big stuff, I think I might even try my hand at some crits and 'cross racing next fall. Because I can never get too much abuse and humiliation. Plus the best way to imporove is to get your ass handed to you.
For now, I'm trying to get as much outdoor riding in as weather permits. It's freezing out there, but I'm wrapped up well. I really can't stand the trainer. Stationary sweating just is not fun.
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